
Rs.9,800One Time
  • No of Pages – Upto 5
  • Additional Pages $50
  • SEO Semantic HTML Code
  • Contact Form
  • Mobile-Friendly Design
  • Free Hosting for 1st year
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • Responsive Design
  • CMS
  • Main Banner Management
  • Blogging
  • Event Calender (If Applicable)
  • News Management (If Applicable)
  • Event Booking (If Applicable)
  • Testimonials Management
  • Social Media Buttons
  • Google Location Map
  • XML Sitemap
  • Site Submissions to SE’s
  • Google Analytics
  • Website Training Upto 2 hrs
  • Technical Support 3 Months
  • Logo Design
  • Responsive Sliders
  • Daily Backups
  • Professional Email Accounts Upto 5
  • Social Media Login
  • Cache Plugin


Rs.15,500One Time
  • No of Pages – Upto 15
  • Additional Pages $50
  • SEO Semantic HTML Code
  • Contact Form
  • Mobile-Friendly Design
  • Free Hosting for 1st year
  • Free SSL Certicate
  • Responsive Design
  • CMS
  • Main Banner Management
  • Blogging
  • Event Calender (If Applicable)
  • News Management (If Applicable)
  • Event Booking (If Applicable)
  • Testimonials Management
  • Social Media Buttons
  • Google Location Map
  • XML Sitemap
  • Site Submissions to SE’s
  • Google Analytics
  • Website Training Upto 2 hrs
  • Technical Support 3 Months
  • Logo Design
  • Responsive Sliders
  • Daily Backups
  • Professional Email Accounts Upto 30
  • Social Media Login
  • Cache Plugin


Rs.29,000One Time
  • No of Pages – Unlimited*
  • Additional Pages $50
  • SEO Semantic HTML Code
  • Contact Form
  • Mobile-Friendly Design
  • Free Hosting for 1st year
  • Free SSL Certicate
  • Responsive Design
  • CMS
  • Main Banner Management
  • Blogging
  • Event Calender (If Applicable)
  • News Management (If Applicable)
  • Event Booking (If Applicable)
  • Testimonials Management
  • Social Media Buttons
  • Google Location Map
  • XML Sitemap
  • Site Submissions to SE’s
  • Google Analytics
  • Website Training Up to 2 hrs.
  • Technical Support 3 Months
  • Logo Design
  • Responsive Sliders
  • Daily Backups
  • Professional Email Accounts Unlimited*
  • Social Media Login
  • Cache Plugin


Rs.12,800One Time
  • 1 Free Domain
  • Free Hosting for 1st year
  • No of Pages – Upto 5
  • Additional Pages $50
  • Unlimited Product Listing
  • Contact Form
  • Mobile-Friendly Design
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • Payment Gateway Integration
  • CMS
  • Unlimited Images & Video
  • Blogging
  • Live Chat Integration
  • Social Media Buttons
  • Google Location Map
  • XML Sitemap
  • Site Submissions to SE’s
  • Google Analytics
  • Website Training Upto 2 hrs
  • Technical Support 3 Months
  • Logo Design
  • Responsive Sliders
  • Daily Backups
  • Professional Email Accounts Upto 5
  • Social Media Login
  • Cache Plugin
  • Annual Renewal Rs. 6000


Rs.16,500One Time
  • 1 Free Domain
  • Free Hosting for 1st year
  • No of Pages – Upto 5
  • Additional Pages $50
  • Unlimited Product Listing
  • Contact Form
  • Mobile-Friendly Design
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • Payment Gateway Integration
  • CMS
  • Unlimited Images & Video
  • Blogging
  • Live Chat Integration
  • Social Media Buttons
  • Google Location Map
  • XML Sitemap
  • Site Submissions to SE’s
  • Google Analytics
  • Website Training Upto 2 hrs
  • Technical Support 3 Months
  • Logo Design
  • Responsive Sliders
  • Daily Backups
  • Professional Email Accounts Upto 5
  • Social Media Login
  • Cache Plugin
  • Annual Renewal Rs. 7000


Rs.29,500One Time
  • 1 Free Domain
  • Free Hosting for 1st year
  • No of Pages – Upto 5
  • Additional Pages $50
  • Unlimited Product Listing
  • Contact Form
  • Mobile-Friendly Design
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • Payment Gateway Integration
  • CMS
  • Unlimited Images & Video
  • Blogging
  • Live Chat Integration
  • Social Media Buttons
  • Google Location Map
  • XML Sitemap
  • Site Submissions to SE’s
  • Google Analytics
  • Website Training Upto 2 hrs
  • Technical Support 3 Months
  • Logo Design
  • Responsive Sliders
  • Daily Backups
  • Professional Email Accounts Upto 5
  • Social Media Login
  • Cache Plugin
  • Annual Renewal Rs. 8000